Follow the antics of four of the funniest roommates who ever tried to get through English medical school. One's a womanizer, one's a rugby star, one's determined to flunk, and one just happens to be a good influence on the other three in this British production. Dirk Bogarde可可爱爱,看个热闹吧。$剧情本身相当无聊,强撑着看下去都是为了Dirk Bogarde。期间意识到演员出柜的压力来源:知道DB是弯的之后,再看他的角色和女角色的亲密戏码,难免觉得尴尬微妙……$全员可可爱爱 今日德高望重的sir当年也考了三次才过 听起来是不是觉得自己还有救~$3.5⭐怎么这么gay啊。,$医学院的故事...