Based on the novel by Ihsan Abdel Qoddous, A Man in Our House stars Omar Sharif as a member of the underground resistance to the British occupation of Egypt in the 1940's who seeks refuge from the Political Police in the home of a civil servant and his family. 非常经典的革命片套路……高大全男主一边忙着逃命一边忙着谈恋爱=_>=。前半段还挺不错的越到后面越不能忍,果然是时代隔阂么。只想对着男主那张脸砸过去一句“Spare me the heroic bullshit...要怪就怪你的小伙伴们对你太好了!”$埃及现代社会、宗教与家庭的写照。一家之主开口闭口我们只是不参与“政治”的老百姓,其实是一种很保守的说法。// 影片让我们思考的问题:政治只能回国才能干吗? feb 16 with W$女主超美啊...印象特别深的是让男主写清真言那段,“每次分开我的父母就是这样做的,团聚之后能够彼此相认”。