Six stories about Montreal. 1: A young housewife from Toronto samples the nightlife using basic French. 2: The tale of a painting of Montreal's first mayor, Jacques Viger. 3: During a hockey game, Madeleine tries to tell Roger she wants a divorce after forty years of marriage. 4: A visitor to a conference on pictographs arrives at the airport, where the female customs officer s...$这是我近期看过最好的电影。本以为是像《巴黎我爱你》那样的导演集锦,结果完全不一样,短片的叙事手法完全超越了我的期待,感觉即使是当代的vimeo精选都多有不及。给五分是因为其天马行空又忠实现实的自由度对叙事创作者具有极大的启发意义。