《阳光灿烂的日子》哈萨克斯坦新浪潮篇? While he is operating on a patient for a brain tumour, a surgeon notices a „20“ tattooed on the patient’s hand. He recognizes his patient as his childhood neighbour, and this reminds him of their life in Alma-Ata in the fifties, as they lived in the same building at number 20. Then they grew in a period of ending Stalinism, among adults who were both coward ...$哈萨克地区的片子吧,长得很像中国人= =! 好片~$牛$印象最深的两个场景:1.少年两次从阳台上身手敏捷地爬下。2.最后一幕的奔跑,奔跑。$哈萨克新浪潮,想看找我$看到一半睡着了不好意思=_=