A French collection of short films about the search for love in the age of AIDS that is surrounded by an American short starring Alexis Arquette and an Australian short. From a stolen sexual encounter in a NYC subway to a young man on his own for the first time since his lover died, this is a rich and moving collection of films. 只看马良的《海鸥》就够了$La Mouette$讲的大部分都是和艾滋有关的话题,挺不错的。应该是提醒大家注意安全,即使是最信任的人,也要做好保护措施。为了自己也是为了我爱的人$个别还挺有意思的,拍摄手法也很讨巧,共同点在于每一个短片的时长都短得靠谱,戛然而止,只给观众留下想象的空间。画质虽然感人,但也看到了不少熟脸。$司空见惯的情节啊···诶