世界名琴制作者安东尼奥-斯特拉底瓦里的传奇一生. As a boy the orphan Antonio Stradivari heard for the first time in his life the sound of a violin and he was fascinated by its voice. He tried to construct a violin and attracted the attention of Niccolò Amati, a famous lutist of Cremona. Antonio became apprentice in his bottega (workshop). Grown up, he fell in love for Francesca and he succeeded in mar...$豆瓣果然强大,居然搜出了这部只在幼时记忆当中留下模糊印象,后来却再也找不到的电影。。。哪位大神有这部片子啊,泪求$中世纪西班牙医生喝尿辨病,赶得上勾践$我好不容易搜到电影文件 就是没有字幕谁找个字幕来啊$喜怒哀乐,被感动了.$凭着儿时模糊的记忆找到了这部片子😂😂😂