Wyvern House restaurant in Midsomer Wyvern is more than a just a restaurant. It is the love and passion of celebrity chef Ruth Cameron’s life. When the landlord of Wyvern House, Martin Strickland, meets a brutal and untimely death in his own woods, many aspersions are cast. As Barnaby and Nelson decipher the intricacies of the relationships within the village, will they find th...$亮點是狗狗。$虽然真凶不意外,但最后的结局倒是很出乎意料,难得Lizzy以德报怨,扮演者居然是1972版《长夜》女主角,真是红颜易逝啊。$这集误导虽然只指向一两个嫌疑人,但几起案子间的共同点还挺隐蔽的,凶手的计划始终比较清晰,只不过中间的误杀让剧情稍起波澜。ps.狗狗萌爆了_(:з」∠)_$的确,有点意外之感。$虽然我凭着推理剧经验和直觉找对凶手很多次,但是这次让我自己都意外,因为我真的看到凶手潜藏的爱意,就在他们夫妻对话的那个场景里。故事继续演绎着剧情我却想着,啊,就是这个人了,口是心非的家伙。结局倒是很温馨,还有狗狗超可爱的!!