Louise Mason is a young widow who fills her empty life with the task of becoming a children's nurse. As the years pass, and the widow tries to find her own place in life, her young charges, the children of various employers, grow and soon find themselves ready to face the world. When it seems that she will be alone, the nurse finds that her 'children' have ideas of their own in...$意外丧子的单身母亲把爱献给了所以需要关怀的孩子。剧本有些流水账也很苦情。近乎怀曼独角戏,角色也有跨龄戏,可惜录像带画质惨不忍睹。单是开头产房床上凝视着空前方洋溢着母亲的笑容与期盼到逐渐察觉情况不对和第一次抱着劳顿孩子眼神里一闪而过的丧子之痛继而又把爱给了其他孩子便看的出这个表演很