Method actor, filmmaker, photographer, fine artist, art collector, and all-American madman—the many sides of Dennis Hopper are explored in Nick Ebeling’s documentary, confirming Hopper as a major filmmaker, a fact often eclipsed by his legend. Through the triumph of Easy Rider, the magnificent career suicide of The Last Movie, the overlooked masterpiece Out of the Blue, and a m...$艺术表现手法上,相对不错。只是访谈者与采访者都略浮夸了一些。让本应该的主角,倒是很配角的感觉了。3星及格$Dennis Hopper is the true artist!$what a man,以及年轻时的hopper很像腐兰兰有没有$味同嚼蜡,拍摄手法自以为是得可怕,还黑白摄影慢镜特写。想讲Satya又要依托Dennis为卖点,太廉价。看了这部才知道filmworker有多好。