每天新闻前时段的PBS经典科普节目,探索人类文明方方面面。 sonychen 强烈推荐 ------------------------------------------- One of the best PBS series,A weekly documentary series, each episode providing an in-depth look at a different subject of scientific research. Subjects examined by this show have included the cutting edge of theoretical physics, a return to the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, the long-term effect...$不错的记录片系列,视觉很客观$看了集《圣经埋藏的秘密》,耶和华老婆重见天日啊$啊啊啊啊啊啊。。。。$看了一本3集讲人类起源的,标注是NOVA$看过the hidden dimension 和 the elegant universe,觉得非常不错!让人对科学产生强大的兴趣。世界非常奇妙!
Alexander Diego,Edith Ybarra Clara,Frank Ernesto Lam,Alain Alain Alfonso González,Milagros Llanes Martínez,Lola Amores,Jhon Steven Baldriche,Joel Casanova