The story of two brothers, Thiru Murthy (Madhavan) and Guru Murthy (Aarya) who are poles apart in character. Their father was a constable but after his demise, Thiru takes on the same duty. Due to his lack of bravery, Thiru find it difficult to fight crime in his town. It is in these times that Guru who is not a cop steps up and assists his elder brother. As Guru wins many of h...$今年的为爱叛逆3就是翻拍的这个$豪多慢镜头,豪多歌舞,故事比动作场面好看很多啊$有点搞笑的片子,两男主都很帅,老马的角色是有逆转的,这应该是他接这个戏的原因吧,最后的形象酷毙了!