NATO operative Jacques Kristoff is summoned into action, on his birthday, to track down Galina Konstantin, who has scampered off with an extremely valuable and dangerous top-secret cargo. Finding Galina doesn't take long, and Jacques must wrap up the mission by returning Galina and the contraband to his superiors by train. Jacques's physician wife Madeline isn't happy about thi...$火车擒匪。★★★★H110 (B9)122$小成本火车内打斗片,打得不少,还炸桥,但都是五毛视觉效果,各方面都不如《暴走潜龙》。$原來主角就是雲頓,硬漢形象,可惜電影鏡頭有點亂$也就凑活吧。开头没几分钟就是追车戏让我对这部片有了点好感,但是后面不知所云的定格镜头和垃圾剪辑把这种好感消耗殆尽。尚格云顿延续了以往的直男人设,但是动作戏却不如以往。撞火车和火车坠崖的片段还可以。整部片除去几段场面就一无是处。$又名《危险任务》,尚格云顿 主演,东方电影频道。