The course facilitates a close reading of Don Quixote in the artistic and historical context of renaissance and baroque Spain. Students are also expected to read four of Cervantes’ Exemplary Stories, Cervantes’ Don Quixote: A Casebook, and J.H. Elliott’s Imperial Spain. Cervantes’ work will be discussed in relation to paintings by Velázquez. The question of why Don Quixote is r...$阅读的论文挺细的呀。现在的诠释已经相当精细,但我个人还是怀疑罗伯托教授有不少误导,第8集中他强调费尔南多就是浪荡子的谐音,而事实上他是西班牙最普遍的名字。还说费尔南多是典型的二子继承,但是我们在后来看到的囚犯故事中就发现家产在三个儿子中平均分配。所以不能全信。$口音太好听啦$#补