"Hair High" is a gothic high-school comedy with a "Carrie"-like story. Cherri and Rod are the high-school king and queen and they justifiably rule their domain. Spud, the new kid in town, accidentally offends both Cherri and Rod and so is forced to become Cherri's slave. Naturally, they immediately hate each other, but of course later they fall in love. Cherri and Spud secretly...$lovely high school romance. quarterback bully +prom queen + new geeky kid.$期望太高有点失望,把握住这个导演的特点和思路,很多想象力的源头也都可以理出来。后来看睡着了。。。$喜欢还不错,陪孩子一起看的$還是導演一貫的畫風,雖然是個俗套的校園青春愛情喜劇,情節倒也比想像中有趣哈哈哈哈,而且配音居然有不少之後成大牌了耶!!$"Hair High" is a gothic high-school comedy with a "Carrie"-like story. Cherri and Rod are the high-school king and queen and they justifiably rule their domain.