Leo is sugar, Clemens is orange. Together they are two eleven-year-old boys who are inseparable. More than just playmates, they share a unique bond which seems predestined to last a lifetime. Until powerful emotions come to the fore and a misunderstanding leads to a rift which tears both them and their world apart. Sixteen years later Leo is still terrified of being abandoned. ...$非常典型的电影,可以分别剪辑成三到四个部分来讲,心理叙述非常棒$开放结局?$为啥长大后的玩伴成了他哥的男友? 有点狗血啊~想去女主Chocolade店里买巧克力吃$天惹,男主凭借自己优秀的外表疯狂不要碧莲呃,超多床戏...又看到科隆。$本身就是碎片化的叙事,然而最后没有讲圆故事。前半部分让我有点想睡,这样的叙事方式本就很难入戏,节奏还拖这么慢,结局也没有让人恍然大悟的圆满感。所以,这是为了形式而形式吗?