A profile of British painter Francis Bacon. Brian Eno做的配乐几乎可以说严丝合缝。十分喜欢斗牛线和无数动物镜头,何谓人,何谓兽,何谓肉,此之谓也! $纪录片比《情迷画室》精彩多了,培根真是迷倒众生。片子里还提到他是个masochist,s一方是英国皇家空军飞行员,长得跟年轻时的爱丁堡公爵似的...$"the image has the look someone caught in a flash. the distortion seems to suggest the movement, so does the way the face smeared by the paint. Bacon catch someone as if in a flash, but he gets the se... "the image has the look someone caught in a flash. the distortion seems to suggest the movement, so does the way the face smeared by the paint. Bacon catch someone as if in a flash, but he gets the sense of cotinuity of action,seems like the movement was going on." (展开)$嚎叫的教皇$看到视频里的培根觉得他真是太gay了!!比我想象的gay多了!!!看照片根本看不出来好吗哈哈哈哈哈,又浪又骚