This follows the trials of an Irish-American family in South Boston. Angarano portrays a teen struggling with an emotionally distant father (Gleeson), a pregnant, unwed sister (Emily Van Camp), a bullying brother (Tom Guiry) and a mother (Leo) who wants him to join the priesthood. 10颗星$We are same. We are actually so much alike, aren`t we? Anyway things r getting better now, getting better...better..$豆瓣居然没人看。。$不管怎么样··we r family.$平贱夫妻百事哀,孩子没教好更是烦恼,再得个重病。晕死,本来一直觉得多生几个好,这片子完全是打击人呐。片名译得不好,什么“移民第二代”,根本不合适。。