The movies Claude Chabrol made in the first ten years of his career are vastly underrated nowadays with the film under review being, arguably, the most obscure of the lot; admittedly, LES GODELUREAUX – an unwieldy single-word title if ever there was one (literally meaning "the popinjays") – could not have endeared it much to audiences. Consequently, it seems rather hard now to ...$某种恐怖片。拍到双男主三部曲之三,夏布洛尔手法愈发娴熟,情感的表露方式也愈发高明,他用漂亮的运动和剪辑制造这场游戏的戏谑快感以描绘冰冷虚空,最后竟然再用类似的镜头打破了它,尤其对比开头和结尾的一组镜头,真的很神奇。ps:本片有最美的拉封【1961十佳No.1】$又见表兄弟$表哥和拉封莫不是包办了新浪潮银幕渣男婊女,男一号(就是《岁月的泡沫》的导演,长得颇可爱啊)虽然也是游手好闲但财力和浪度输他们一大截,这出自黑太阳族的闹剧核心大概是动真情的最受伤?整体新意欠奉主线草率,唯有表哥的皇后做派如孔雀开屏(角色约等于道连格雷里的亨利勋爵...)明泡女主暗撩男主,极为炸裂,家里还有个功能似乎是贴身男仆然而却一起穿着睡袍闲坐的谜样男伴...$三星+,you will never be flighty again. ambroisine$Aug 10, 2009 TIFF Cinematheque New Wave 50 Anniversary