讲述了两个自由潜水人引人入胜的故事,两个来自旧金山的世界肺潜冠军,佩彭·弗瑞尔瑞萨和温贝托·佩雷茨佐瑞。十余年来,他们先后尝试,完成不可能的任务 - 下潜到最大深度,用单程呼吸的氧气安全返回水面。 Diving in one breath$free dive is not to challenge others, but to dive deep with themselves. and at a few precious moments, become one with the sea.顺便说一句 故事的主角Pipin 无可厚非是潜水界的大牛 但是也是他的不作为造成了他妻子,公认的潜水皇后Aurdrey的死。我一直认为Pipi...$让人时不时就屏住呼吸的片$不错,跟海豚和鲨鱼一起潜水的片段不错,超广角镜头用的很不错$free dive is not to challenge others, but to dive deep with themselves. and at a few precious moments, become one with the sea