Japan is a close but distant country. The film tells the past and present of Zainichi Koreans and pro-North Korean schools in Japan. Through the close-down order, protests, and withdrawal of the order, the schools remained steady for 70 years. The film doesn't focus only on the past, but calmy depicts the lives of Zainichi Koreans. What is different today compared to 70 years a...$fighting,不惧权威与镇压,给人以力量,井国不会上映的片,镜头很粗糙业余、丝毫不影响纪录片传达情感和讲故事。PS: 井国观众动不动就以看脑残商业片的标准评价纪录片,病得不轻,难怪当下井国的纪录片风向如此病态...没救。