When newly elected MP Richard Dove runs over a young girl on a deserted forest road he fatally decides to bury her in the woods and save his blossoming career. But when he returns to his car he finds the girl's mother desperately searching for her daughter. She recognises him and asks for his help unaware of the dark secret he is keeping.. Richard must now lead the mother on a ...$永远不要坏人当一半,才谈良心发现!【大表哥怎么又出车祸了。。。】$16分钟短片,Dan的情感表现幅度却非常大。不错。$大表哥挺适合演这种人面兽心的斯文败类嘛。不能被高富帅的戏路给定死了$大表哥可以,结尾讽刺。$大表哥没事别开车好伐……