LMOST THERE is a coming-of-(old)-age story about Peter Anton, an elderly "outsider" artist living in at-risk conditions whose world changes (and maybe not all for the better) when he's discovered by two filmmakers. Shot over eight years, ALMOST THERE documents Anton's first major exhibition and how the controversy it generates forces him to leave his childhood home. By highligh...$优秀纪录片要具备的一个特点就是记录与被记录对象都要有机地参与到叙事中,芝加哥纪录片工作者Dan Rybicky的这部纪录片在这一点上做的很出色,这部纪录片不仅是对一位在垃圾堆中工作默默无闻的天才艺术家Peter Anton的记录,也包含了他参与到这位艺术家生活中并在经历了波折与转机后所得到的人生感悟$有创造、关爱、谅解和品客薯片,岌岌可危爬满虱子的生活也还能继续。$朋友老师作品