Carl and Elsa Spann have moved into a trailer park in California, after Elsa suffered a nervous breakdown. She is adjusting well to a more peaceful lifestyle, after her rigorous training as a ballerina. But then Carl comes home from work to find Elsa shocked and traumatized after a man assaulted her in the trailer. The police investigate, but find little to go on. Carl becomes ...$希区柯克剧场第一季第一集,简单的故事在最后2分钟澄清,冲动是魔鬼,美女也会有缺陷。$女主演过《惊魂记》和《伸冤记》,典型希区柯克女郎,故事有很多有争议的地方,我倾向于她是创伤后遗症,所以看到类似嫌疑人的人都会害怕,觉得穿灰色套装的都是坏蛋,因此才让丈夫判断失误的。$一切都是妻子的幻想。索然乏味。考虑到时代问题还是多给颗星吧。$S01E01 revenge$S01E01一切都是妻子的臆想