Youths get ready for a party, decorating the dance floor, cleaning out the fountain of a pond. That evening, the party starts and guests arrive: everyone has a ticket, and a guy at the gate, wearing a formal shirt, tails, and shorts, makes sure only those with tickets gain entrance. Some are in costume, some dressed informally, some in fancy clothes: everyone is there to have a...$有点儿慢入,既然是短片就别憋着了$1958年,导演纪录片习作,,8分钟。Youths get ready for a party, decorating the dance floor, cleaning out the fountain of a pond. That evening, the party starts and guests arrive: everyone has a ticket, and a guy at ...$POLANSKI果然是受过心理创伤的...$波兰斯基早期短片。一场针对盛装舞会的无情嘲弄,街头青年粗鲁地毁掉了其乐融融的party。舞池里的裙摆、脚步、打鼓的手、灯等,局部镜头轻描淡写地勾勒出群像图景。青年翻越铁栅栏有很强的寓意,铁栅栏是阶层之间的沟壑,是对固有阶层的暴力抗拒。水里飘过的布偶画面结束了整个短片,那是一切世相对自己开得玩笑。$一群阿飞闹舞会,在波兰斯基自己的学校里!