Jancsi Oláh is in the transitional phase between adolescence and adultness. He is born in 1938, and is now getting his first employment as an electronic engineer. On some TV-screens he happens to see a young lawyer, Éva Halk, who arrests his attention. In his imagination she is the most interesting woman he ever saw. Jansci is part of a closely knit gang of young engineers. The...$7。青年男女同幻觉,一夜狂欢同年出$新浪潮痕迹很明显 大量让影迷激动的地方 特吕弗四百击的广告版 被代表巴黎的那首le tourbillon 出现的精疲力尽的ost 试眼镜那段则非常戈达尔 暗示的communist倾向 和大量的旁白画外音简简单单的一出青春舞曲 但是喜欢的段落非常多$93min,英字。新浪潮习作,只是隔着一道铁幕,生与死都变得更沉重。萨博此时的表意还相当直接,到下一部《父亲日记》就开始玩魔幻现实了,东欧片里社会环境总免不了要成为第三人,一段无新意的旁白说教后结尾一镜大亮,wake up please,起来建设社会啦~$18/4/9:普通的演员却被拍出奥黛丽的气质。$很新浪潮