Chuck Berry opens the show and performs "Johnny B Goode" and his 1955 hit Maebelline". He is then joined by " Gerry and The Pacemakers" who do their updated British version of the song. and a medley of their hits. "Billy J Kramer and The Dakotas perform "Little Children " and "Bad To Me". Detroits' Motown is represented as "Diana Ross and The Supremes " sing "Baby Love" , by "S...$癫狂的美丽,现场音乐的极致。$别的没啥兴趣 就滚石和沙滩男孩看得特开心 本来还思考了一下BJ在我心中地位 算了我还是好喜欢他 keef这时候还好憨$太猛了……$时代在尖叫,巨星云集的摇滚的童年$📍2/19/20