There have been many films of the play "Salome", but none of them are anything like Carmelo Bene's version. The film is so bright, colorful and strange; it will make your head spin. The intro of the film contains a cartoon camel jumping through a loop, women getting spanked with feather paddles, a man slicing a watermelon with a machete and a women with beaded jewelry emerging ...$低端土鳖影盲脑残人士装逼必备——卡梅隆·逼内$不愧是 LSD style editing.$意大利导演卡梅隆贝从书中他说: “电影作为一个颠覆性艺术”的阿莫斯纳曼沃格尔。$实验告诉我们剧情根本不重要,不过耶稣钉钉子那段太无厘头了。。。$每个版本都搞得这么实验,我实在是吃不消。王尔德你不愧是我偶像,还是最爱你了