This movie was intense and funny in its analysis of a restless gifted person. She was an abortionist. The very bizarre close examination of the work she did includes a jaw dropping opening that makes it appear that the film was shot during the events as they actually happened. She is keeping her family together but then loses interest and becomes a rabble rouser for workers in ...$家庭妇女变身革命斗士$一天有3个孩子死亡,难道罗丝维塔没意识到她们原来堕胎的工作就是在增加这个数字么。在当下她只是一个天真善良的临时工,社会的复杂程度远远高于她所能理解与承受的。导演希望通过电影表现女性的旺盛精力,同时抛弃家庭就能撬动地球。$尺度之大令人瞋目,如此大胆的记录女性打胎的过程,何其震慑$7. 这标题...不过话说做有机的几十年前就开始混得这么栽吗$开头五分钟看得想杀人 但是和后面的窒息日常相比 可能那个碗里的小家伙还幸运些