America a tragic story told in a burlesque and ironic way, within a love triangle. Liza, a beautiful young Russian woman, is married to Victor, a small-time crook who lives on scheming and swindling, born and bred in Portugal. Fernanda, the ex wife, who ten year's passed decides to drop by, is the gang leader, an Andalusian Spaniard. Victor has to decide which women to follow, ...$丽莎波波娃:乡归何处,绝望的日子没有尽头;梅洛:有些小专业混口饭吃;维托:招摇撞骗不务正业;费尔南达:啥也不懂就爱装大姐大;其他人獐头鼠目混吃等死……葡萄牙海边小镇移民和本地人生活一瞥