Morse and Lewis investigate the murder of Harry Josephs, a warden at St. Oswald's church who is found dead immediately after a church service. The initial focus is on a tramp who attended the service but the autopsy reveals that Josephs died of an overdose of morphine. When others who attended the same service are killed - including the vicar Lionel Pawlin, the church organist ...$很經典的身分謎題,穿插多重謀殺,摩斯還是拿文字遊戲調戲老實人小劉。喜歡本集的精巧鏡頭,訴說感強,空間感營造巧妙,比如教堂氛圍全賴於此。摩斯別再談戀愛了,愛兇手就罷了,動心了就是個要美人毀江山沒啥原則的主,小摩斯失戀可比糟老頭子正直多了。如果採用原著的證詞、良心折磨、複雜身世和對謀劃不甚了了,摩斯此舉還可以體諒,這擺明的共謀與針對所知毫無悔改,摩斯以權謀私實在難以接受。加上直接聲明為了探監(原著並沒...$故事本身不错,但节奏好怪...$你咋还恐高呢???$103。探长两集谈了两段恋爱,全都无疾而终$1987年的片子能拍成这样应该点赞,镜头光线运用不错,就是又要牵扯到探长个人情感觉得没有必要,呵呵🤭