Kerem is Turkish. His family is conservative. His sister denied her religion. It is his duty to restore the family honour. One problem still. He is not really an irreproachable muslim. He is gay. A cliché you will say, and certainly it is one. Because this story is the beginning of a movie within a movie, where all characters came to shoot a clip against racism. Despite all goo...$戲中戲雜糅了當下政治話題,很討喜。$固定单镜头实验,利用画幅限制和人物出入的调度构造故事层次效果,以喜剧反映德国种族问题的复杂性。『苦路十四站』的一些痕迹已隐约可见。$前面挺有意思的,各種諷刺,獨角戲感覺太過了不喜歡真適合給如今面臨遍地難民狀況的德國人看$蛮有意思的。开头和最后$有意味的形式