Having discovered that her dying husband has an illegitimate child living in Florida, a devout Christian housewife leaves her sheltered world on a mission to reunite father and son. When a dutiful, albeit barren Christian housewife discovers that her devout husband has suffered a stroke at a sperm bank where he's been secretly donating his seed for the past 25 years, she leaves...$$200,000$weird$美国校园枪击案(未遂)一瞥。好好一个善良的娃,差点被一个反社会人格小邪教头子给霍霍了。这种人打着道德的幌子,用卑劣的手段控制弱者,让对方成为自己的信徒。幸好孩子不傻😹$非典型性的美国电影