Not so long ago, Martin was a gifted mathematician with a career and a steady girlfriend. But after a spell in psychiatric care, he is released with no job and no way of supporting himself, labelled as mentally ill. Viktor is a young Ukrainian boy recently orphaned following his mother's OD. When the two meet, Martin takes Victor under his wing, and fleeing the city, they escap...$阴差阳错看了这部片子,导演你太狠心了,结局不该是女主带来了阳光、爱情,男主一扫童年的阴影,从此他们过上了幸福的日子,成功转型为励志爱情片。$好虐心,好没必要的虐心啊…… 2012.6.23. 13:30 永华。$剧情虽弱智,但小清新得很动人,看片名差点错过以为是乡村狩猎片。。。很喜欢;梦里不知身是客。$@八百伴。我喜欢他在森林中自由自在跑的那一段。(吉他声好好听。)$乌托邦式的林中生活令人心生向往,然而片中诸多的逻辑破绽过于明显将精彩程度打了许多折扣。多加一星为的是题材新颖。