Bordering on Bad Behavior is a politically incorrect comedy that entertains and enthralls the viewer into a strategic moment in history where wrong is right and right is wrong, and ultimately answers that age-old question: Is blood really thicker than water? And, if war kills, can weed heal! 南非电影,谈论种族主义、中东问题、消费社会问题,想想也是给跪了$too much fucking,而且假惺惺的说教太多,适得其反的效果。$关于很多宗教 种族 战争的话题 最最主要的是酒精和大麻才是和平的主旋律啊$政治喜剧,正确错误的判断其实自在人心$(我就是要给帅哥加一颗星(任性