ordred and his evil mother Morgana have been imprisoned in another world for the last www. lumia922.com 1500 years while Merlin's magical powers keeps them at bay. Meanwhile, in the present, a scientist accidentally finds a gateway to the other world and is about to unleash Mordred into present-day 20th Century life. It's a battle between the forces of good and evil and magic and sorcery as Arthur is reawakened from his sleep and together with Merlin, tries to find a way to stop Mordred from re-entering our world. ordred and his evil mother Morgana have been imprisoned in another world for the last www. lumia922.com 1500 years while Merlin's magical powers keeps them at bay. Meanwhile, in the present, a scientist accidentally finds a gateway to the other world and is about to unleash Mordred into present-day 20th Century life. It's a battle between the forces of good and evil and magic ...$特别蠢的儿童片,人设已经不值得吐槽,rik的comic也略违和,不过这东西本来就没有什么一致性…反正又是他脑子摔坏复活后接的片…这是有多怕自己撞坏脑袋就没人要了啊哈哈哈哈$这个唬小孩的特效啊~$小时候看得还有点恐怖,但情节真心脑残。$好二。。。。