One of the earliest North American gay-themed films to receive theatrical distribution, Outrageous! is a funny and affecting film about a female impersonator and his touching friendship with a schizophrenic girl. Craig Russell plays a gay hairdresser and star-wannabe who does flawless impressions of Barbra Streisand, Judy Garland, Bette Midler, Mae West and others. And while th...$@NY Indie Guy. For you, for me, for all the crazies.$好姐妹是可以为了你当天打飞的从纽约回多伦多的人。$#Required Screening# 虽是Christmas Comedy但drag queen和mentally disordered patient的苦楚不言自明,声称“perform for love”和将mad一词荒唐化的两幕更添个中悲凉意味: “You are not dead, you are live and sick and living in NY like 8 millio...