This is a 42-minute different kind of travelogue, showing various places around the world with no narration and, in some cases, speeded-up photography. In other cases - mainly the beginning - it's ultra-slow. To be honest, I like that fast-forward technique far more, such as where you see clouds and shadows moving by quickly. They move by landscapes, famous monuments and other ...$启示般的纪录片,这样的拍摄手法和后来的《天地玄黄》、《浮生一日》有着异曲同工之妙,甚至后二者还有偷师之嫌。20180615:原来和《天地玄黄》是一个导演,场面有点尴尬。。。$你让世界更牛逼$反正我不明白和过去那些片子有什么区别$在天地玄黄的光芒下,这部同样优秀的作品受关注度小了很多$没有对白,以音乐和影像构成全片内容,通过各种剪辑和变速处理方式,营造出人与自然的奇幻对比效果,自然的博大与静谧,跟人类世界的喧嚣与高速之间形成了强烈的反差。影片的配乐与影像之间契合得入丝入扣,摄影和光色对比极为精彩,除了个别地方过渡不太自然外,整体感觉非常到位。