A story of five teenagers (1 gay, 1 closeted bisexual) who are setting up an armed gang: a drug fuelled sexually charged mosaic of love, lost relationships, betrayal and nihilism, that takes place in a declining city, where everything is collapsing within the economic and social crisis. Constantine Yiannaris, one of the greatest directors of contemporary Greek cinema, returns w...$女体的两次还比较长,男的就一次夜泳,另一场是一个胖老人。无美感$长得这么好看的男孩纸,干坏事。$回忆录方式讲述青年的一次凶杀过程?象征化的定格实在有点卡顿。$回忆录$有一个长得特别帅还露鸟了。长得像是高配的法鲨