The incredible story of Charlie Russell - the man who has devoted his life to the grizzly bears of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The Russian mafia killed Charlie's beloved bears but now he's back with four new cubs and he's trying to prove that Russia can live with its grizzlies. This film follows Charlie as he restarts the project, spending nine months living with the orphaned cubs...$镜头中的灰熊是如此的可爱而无助,即使体态庞大也依然难以掩饰它们怯怯的内心。两只小熊在长满野花的草地上戏嘻打闹,花白头发的老人侧卧旁边静静看着它们;两只毛团一样的小熊飞快跑过开满野花的旷野直至消失,目送它们的老人站在风中,四周颓败的芦苇随风摇曳。$打猎者和偷猎者在消遣与金钱面前,从来也没想过剥夺一条生命的意思是什么。真残酷呀。$小熊非常可爱$老先生和熊仔都太可爱了$多么温馨,又有点伤感