Eddie Izzard's finest hour (or two)... If you've never seen Eddie before, this is where to start. Eddie starts at the beginning of time (Biblically) and ends with Armageddon (out of here). On his way he covers the loophole in the great flood story, death and Death, the Trojan War, Bin Hood (he steals from the comfortable and gives to the moderately impoverished), machines and t...$I'm covered in bees!!$啊哈哈哈哈哈哈 笑到面瘫。Everyone in West London, stop using taps!!$真是太爱演了,象声词用得出神入化。萌属性爆棚$他段子重复太多了,看一个专场就够了$Eddie的故事文学性强的一点就是每个角色都在发声,而且充斥着细节