Werner Ernst is a young hospital resident who becomes embroiled in a legal battle between two half-sisters who are fighting over the care of their comatose father. But are they really fighting over their father's care, or over his $10 million estate? Meanwhile, Werner must contend with his nutty supervisor, who insists that he only care for patients with full insurance. Can Wer...$名导晚年的作品,确实想深刻的讨论医患伦理上的问题,但是这个逻辑和剧情。。。JS37岁的时候真心还是巨美丽,想想现在的秃顶胖子。。。$在临终关怀或者安乐死的问题上探讨得还算挺早的,不过由James Spader引领的主线实在是乏味得很,一提到官司以为又要走到Lumet拍惯的法庭戏上去了。相对来说,Jeffrey Wright和 Helen Mirren的副线反而更好玩,昏迷中和死神使者的对话很有意思。$3.5。保險與遺囑的現實面,白色巨塔裡的無奈。雖然拍得老派,正面思維卻是必須的。" But there will be a new patient in his place and everything else will be the same."(老鳥醫生的微涼心境,看待世情不再非黑即白,已經懂得如何去面對人性中的灰色地帶)$一个海王八宫如何用软手腕挽回利益。唉。$不知道是错觉还是怎么回事,感觉老头年轻时接的片子都挺奇怪的。。。连这种题材泛滥的医疗剧都挺奇葩,最后半个小时挺精彩。不过抛开一切,37岁的老头简直美的没有我😜