Leonardo, a successful industrial designer, lives with his family in an architectural wonder, a midcentury Le Corbusier home. One morning, he wakes to an irksome noise and is appalled to discover that workmen next door are constructing a large window that faces directly into his home. Leonardo protests, using a number of excuses (privacy, building codes, his wife), in an attemp...$L'hypocrisie tue.$2020158 又一个“闯入者”的故事。首尾呼应颇惊艳,开场破墙,休戚相关的一体两面;结局砌墙,黑暗中残存的光线也被遮蔽。$三星半。这个隔壁老王凿壁偷光引发的邻里故事虽较普通,但拍摄场所值得一提,是柯布西耶在南美的唯一建筑作品,布宜诺斯艾利斯Curutchet住宅。房主还跟参观者聊到了柯布的模数问题$没看完……太沉闷了。两个老男人好无聊。SBS$不觉多好看不是很懂。开墙凿洞