In a foggy winter morning, a raft brings a priest to an isolated island. He is getting paid to perform a wedding ritual under very mysterious conditions. The groom is Victor Frankenstein, and the young and beautiful bride is his cousin Elizabeth. Seven armed and dangerous mercenary soldiers have been hired to protect her against something huge that hides in the woods, awaiting ...$弗兰肯斯坦的第n个版本,真是层出不穷啊,这个是美国午夜剧场里当做中场提神用的吗?渣演员渣剧情我竟然看完了。$不明觉厉$wip$女主一开始在那儿叫啊叫的真是讨厌啊,后来竟然变成了这样。男主中间说了一句话,“这是神罚,试图去扮演上帝角色的神罚。”这就是片子的主题?$大街片,海报好看