It is mid-1939 and both Germany and England are preparing for an inevitable conflict. Professor Horatio Smith, an effete academic, asks his students to come with him to the continent to engage in an archaeological dig. When his students discover that the professor is the man responsible for smuggling a number of enemies of the Nazi state out of Germany, they enthusiastically jo...$Leslie Howard自导自演二战谍战喜剧片,各方面都不错,Leslie Howard真的好适合演这种毒舌厌女老学究的角色,萌我一脸血!喜剧才是本命啊!明明是个文艺大叔可举手投足都是个小逗比嘛!$和Scarlet Pimpernel对仗得工整。水平极高的宣传片,也是最早将目光投向集中营的影片之一。One of his best!$这海报。。。。。。谐星才是你的本质啊。。。$非常精彩。莱斯利真的是很有才华。我的男神ヽ(*´з`*)ノ。自导自演,讽刺戈培尔,嘲弄纳粹。关键时间是1941年。喜剧片鼓舞士气。永远爱你,莱斯利霍华德。$