J.D. Cahill is the toughest U.S. Marshal they've got, just the sound of his name makes bad guys stop in their tracks, so when his two young boys want to get his attention they decide to rob a bank. They end up getting more than they bargained for. 上帝与魔鬼之间的拉力赛,唯有良心能够获胜。对父子情刻画淡薄,两名孩子的稚嫩表演招架不住约翰.韦恩的气场,不如同时期的《The Cowboys》之间的老少张力过瘾。约翰.韦恩骑驴一段非常逗趣。$720p外挂中字 这个父亲不太管事 插曲还可以 配乐EB大师$说谎者比利。小比利之所以说谎,是因为和他同样叛逆的哥哥意外卷入一场导致警长被刺杀而劫匪却不知所踪的银行大劫案!他俩的父亲偏巧也是警长,时年六十有五,显然以爷爷的身份出现更为合适的……约翰韦恩。片首打劫的方式、片尾射“死人”的噱头都颇具新意趣味,但中间的过程有些俗套和拖沓了。$主题还是用人情盖过了法治,人的悲悯和慈悲啊。$A Man Gets to Thinkin...