In the modern day (1920s) story, Adam, a plumber, is happily married to Eve, a wardrobe-obsessed housewife, until she accidentally meets a supercilious fashion designer. At the prompting of her neighbour, who has secret designs on Adam, Eve secretly becomes a fashion model by day, knowing that her husband would disapprove. This tale is book-ended by a sequence of the two princi...$这一年梦露出生了……良友创刊了……高迪死了……昂尼斯也死了……$很有意思的喜剧,为主角的智商拙计= = PS 没洗版只能瞎了狗眼$霍克斯早期默片,女人执着的新衣怨念$7.5/10,有趣的利用時空元素(轉喻),以反映男性及女性的價值觀與地位,改變的只是時空。男性與女性的追求不同而造成的喜劇,兩人吵鬧的片段被其他導演直接挪用。蛇(原始)對應女性(現代文明)的隱喻精彩,直接指明她的特性。$本来只是随便点开以为就几分钟的小视频的……结果太让人惊喜了,太赞了,各种神切换,贴近生活,剧情太赞了,背景音乐还大部分是德彪西的钢琴作品,我竟然学到了一些夫妻相处之道……男女差异真是太好玩了But Adam, I haven't a thing to wear...太有趣了哈哈哈哈,有爱的一对小夫妻