Jean Grémillon’s first talkie, the 1930 LA PETITE LISE, is anything but talky. While opening and closing with soulful afro-Latin strains, something just above silence reigns throughout the film. Grémillon is already orchestrating the auditory menace of nuanced sound sculpting that would later pervade REMORQUES (1941), setting forth evolving rhythmic figures at an atmospheric wh...$对体态、声音、凝滞和即兴的运用十分高明$寥寥几笔-11/22/14 at MoMI$这里的Nadia Sibirskaïa不止少了一根筋…Cast:Pierre Alcover;Julien Bertheau$在有聲片初期特別能鑑識誰是大師$法国30年代早期有声片。让 格雷米雍。对声音进行了较为成功的实验:在摄影棚同步对话拍摄了一些场景,用默片的方式拍摄其余场景并后期配音的方式获得了多样性。使用画外声、音桥、声音引发闪回等技法。无资源30年代法国诗意现实主义的先驱。提供了一个成熟的早期先例。