Juliette, Betty, Marianne and Inès live near Cassan Park. All have their own children to raise, houses to look after, husbands who return home late and sometimes even a job to keep. This morning, as every morning, they are busy thinking of all the things they have to do in the course of their day; but the day will come when they will ask themselves: what have they done with the...$life is life, life is not cinema. life of the bourgeois, tired and banal.$2019年1月5日20:00於北京法文中心電影廳,“18—19迎新年電影週:作別多事之秋”場次十一。$非常日常,非常现实,非常重要。喜欢放空时刻流水一样的配乐,细腻甚至悲悯。有现实的时空感,有平淡的戏剧化,真实生活中才能感受到的无奈和复杂滋味。喜欢德芙阿姨。$平平淡淡絮絮叨叨$“总想着有了孩子以后、有了房子以后,一切就会好的,万事俱备、只欠一个新生活,却不曾想到准备就绪之后,一切都就结束了。”手笔稚嫩,散成沙子,铺在中产生活表面,不彻底、过分刻意、乏善可陈。散场后是法国人的酒会,灯火通明乐声流动,一种悄然呼应。