Filmed in Bristol during their '97 stage tour, Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall again adopt their characters of Eddie and Richie from the television series "Bottom", this time being stranded on a desert island with no food, and even worse, no booze or pornography to keep them occupied. Things get even worse during the second act when they discover that a French visitor has left ...$看imdb评论…大家都比较喜欢笑场的部分嘛于是笑场已经写进剧本了== 但日军仓库那段rik的笑场明显是真的…就完全停不下来啊哈哈哈哈~$越来越有种Bottom Live就是冲着Rik笑场,Ade冷静吐槽+出戏棒读,道具组各种不靠谱去的感觉了,台下的鱼儿们起哄好给力~