Abstract animation illustrates Edwin Gerschefski's modernist composition. Two dots - one blue and one orange - appear most often, sometimes large, sometimes small, sometimes overlapping. When the sounds become more staccato, so do the images: wavy lines become squiggles, short nail-like lines go across the screen in rows. The result is a visual representation of abstract music,...$美国早期先锋电影集,一连好几个都是实验动画$最有趣的居然是一头一尾出现文字的部分,Mary Ellen Bute的理念在此阶段仍然大大受着动画形式本身的限制。$痴迷于塔兰泰拉的意象。音乐迷人之处就在于不可视化吧。$我们不能轻视玛丽•艾伦•比特对音乐可视化的贡献。线条与圆形对钢琴曲的表达,字幕的新颖设计,强烈色彩对比造成的残影让我回想起来童年用过近视治疗仪。$2. 视觉系。